Shoot Ogawa. Wow! What a great night of magic, entertainment, and learning for the members of Ring 6 this month. This personable magician who has traveled the world with his magic, spent an evening sharing secrets, subtleties, and fun with us.
Shoot began with a series of effects that showed his versatility with coins, cards, and a wand. He explained how he has evolved in his use of the “flip stick” move to vanish and materialize a solid wand. It’s not speed that makes the effect, but doing the moves on the “off beat.”
After several wonderful card and coin routines, Shoot slowed down and explained all of the moves and moments of misdirection. His variety of coin matrix effects had us all baffled. One key point here was to always have the coins gather in the same spot for the finish. He also showed how to use the old French Drop more effectively by using small movements during the move. In coin magic, Shoot explained that there is “Two Dimensional” – on a table, and “Three Dimensional” – in the hands and around one’s body.
After the break, Shoot did his signature effect: The Ninja Rings. Great stuff, and it looked so natural in his hands. He was generous in sharing the secret moves, and went over everything requested. What really floored us was the way he linked two rings held by a spectator, then allowed the spectator to examine the rings! Very convincing in every way, with careful description of the three principles he uses to make his magic so effective.
It’s easy to see how Shoot Ogawa has been such a hit at the Magic Castle and the 40 or countries around the world that he has visited. A great night of magic for the members.
DAVE KELLY, Recording Secretary