Lecture – Joe Rindfleisch
First Presbyterian Church 356 Summit Road, Springfield, PARubber Band Magic
Rubber Band Magic
World-Class Cups and Balls, and much more...https://www.facebook.com/kent.gunn
Venue to be decided.
Fulbright scholar to lecture on (and demonstrate!) Indian magic. http://palshikar.com/
Former President, IBM International. https://turnermagic.com/
Our December 13th meeting will be a celebration of friendship, food, and magic. Join us for a great buffet and show. CASEY’S DREXEL HILL 812 N. LANSDOWNE AVE DREXEL HILL, PA 19062 Location Cost: $25 per person ($10 for children)...
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February 14th, 2022 @ 7pm This will be a Zoom Meeting with a Teach-a-Trick Theme Members interested in teaching a trick please email the President at: davidshale@outlook.com The zoom link will be sent to all active members closer to the meeting.