John Kostyal opened the meeting with news from the Kutztown and Bob Little Conventions. This was our Showcase Night for the selected routines from our Fundraiser Core. Mimi Szalabofka performed her strolling magic, “What Are the Odds?” a truly amazing card trick that many thought would even work as a stage presentation. Bill McElvenney’s “Apple Routine” started as a simple card trick growing into impressive magical transformations ending in a surprising revelation.
John Kostyal’s childhood memories inspired his story of “Grandma’s Clothesline,” classics of magic wrapped in family fun to inspire generations to come. Dr. Mystic (Steve Applebaum) performed remarkable magic in the spectators’ hands while recounting how his young daughter brought him to believe in magic. Jack Schultz read minds to tell the serial number of a bill that never touched his hands.
Sue McElvenney magically changed her husband’s pudding into a much healthier soup, even extracting the salt through a solid metal can. Derrick Jay, in his “Name Your Card” routine, produced a card drawn from the audience, which was completely outside his control.
After these lively and entertaining presentations, the members gave many positive and useful suggestions that will make these stellar performances even more outstanding.
This was our election meeting. The following officers were elected: president Bill McElvenney; vice president Reba Strong; treasurer Sue McElvenney; and recording secretary Steve Applebaum.
The December meeting will be our annual holiday party with great food, camaraderie, and a tradition of magic.
Chris Fabiano