We used the October meeting to preview our 2010 Cavalcade of Magic show. Director Dave Kelly arranged to have most of the performers do the routines that they will perform on our show with the Marple Newtown Players. Once we had the run-through, Professor Rem and Dave finalized the performance order.
On Saturday afternoon, October 16th, Ring #6 re-joined forces with the Players at their new home, the Swarthmore United Methodist Church. The site is so new that the church does not yet have stage curtains. Ed Schmitt brought his great backdrops to make the stage look sharp. We welcomed a full house for the show.
Affable and hysterical Master of Ceremonies Professor Rem (Jerry Reminicki) made the audience feel at home. His introductions set the scene for great magic.
Steve Cambian opened with his silent production act with a musical accompaniment. Steve made doves appear, had milk turn into an ice cream cone, and then turned that into a dove! He finished by vanishing a cage full of doves! Ed Schmitt did his narrated “Princess” routine with a lovely young helper from the audience. He then shared his dream of being in a snowstorm on stage. Newer club member Sue McElvenny danced in her magic with a floating cane, and then a dancing duet with her husband Bill, who made magic with her scarf.
Award winning deaf magician Mort Feldman stopped the show with his color changing disks and an amazing levitation of his assistant. President Hunter Gaul showed us a funny six card card repeat, and warned about card sharps preying on us “rubes.” He showed three cards: Two black and one red. He simply turned them over, and challenged us to find the red card. Each time he talked about a wager made by the card sharp, and how the sharp never loses.
Dave Hale confused everyone with a piece of rope that had two, no one, no four ends! A young audience helper assisted, then remained on stage as Dave showed us the new vegetable chopper he “just bought.” It was a six-foot tall guillotine, and Dave had the assistant place his head into the gizmo. The blade passed harmlessly through the boy’s neck, much to the relief of the audience.
The next Dave (me!) floated his Zombie across the stage and into the air. Bill McElvenny then did his turn with a magical and musical Linking Rings.
The inimitable Peter Pitchford closed the show with his classic, manipulation routine. A klutzy cleaning man gradually became inspired by the great card magician Cardini. Once he tried on the white gloves of the late master of magic, the magic took over to the music of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” Playing cards poured from his hands, his ear, and from inside his gloves. Billiard balls appeared and vanished. He finished by producing his own assistant, Swann (wife Karen) from under his cape.
DAVE KELLY, Recording Secretary